At Shogun West we strongly feel that all who are committed and willing to learn Jiu Jitsu should have an opportunity to embrace the mountain path. We also understand that though the mind and body may be willing, the reality of financial obstacles exist and may stifle someones decision to join our school. The Richard J. Ryan Scholarship Fund has been established to provide individuals who have limited financial resources the means to train with us. Although we do not award full tuition, our scholarship is set up to provide families with scaled relief based on their current financial situations. Our promise is to try our best to assist you where we can and work to meet you where you are at. It is our hope to carry Rich’s selfless legacy and love for martial arts through this scholarship. “Everything we do is important”, and even in our absence, the beloved heart of a fallen warrior can meet you at the foot of the mountain. Click the “apply” link below to complete scholarship application.
The Richard J. Ryan Scholarship is fully supported by students, instructors, and Jiu Jitsu enthusiasts who understand the benefits of choosing the path less traveled. All applications will be reviewed by our leadership panel and aid will be awarded based on need and available funds.
If you would like to contribute to the scholarship fund and help make a way for future students and support Jiu Jitsu families please consider donating by clicking the “donate” link below.